Premium Leather Gun Slings I
You prefer traditional materials?
Niggeloh can help: With the new Premium Leather Gun Sling I, Niggeloh combines the proven advantages of the popular neoprene web with the elegant appeal of a leather sling.
The center piece of the slings is made of a broad band of three-layered compound material with the topside offering the elegant touch of genuine cowhide and the bottomside offering the assurance of non-slip neoprene grippers.
The interior material guarantees superior shock absorption performance for the shoulder area. Along the narrow part of the sling, the genuine cowhide is padded with neoprene web for extra stability. This very comfortable item naturally comes equipped with the popular quick release snaps by Niggeloh.
Another advantage of this Premium Leather Gun SlinG I by Niggeloh is the light weight. At a mere 160 grams (Premium I), it is clearly the better choice for the comfort minded hunter.
All in all, the new Premium Leather Gun Sling I by Niggeloh provide the traditional hunter with the highest standard in comfort without compromising the looks.